Preferred Strategy

Ended on the 7 October 2024

1. Introduction

This document sets out the Preferred Strategy for the Powys Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) for the plan period 2022 – 2037. It is the first statutory stage in preparing the Replacement LDP for the Powys Local Planning Authority (LPA) area which covers all of Powys outside the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park (BBNP).

Once adopted, the Replacement LDP and its policies and proposals will succeed the earlier Adopted Powys LDP (2011-2026) and it will be used alongside Welsh Government's Future Wales: The National Plan 2040 for delivering sustainable development and making decisions on planning applications.

1.1 What is the Replacement LDP Preferred Strategy?

The Preferred Strategy is the first statutory stage in the preparation of a Replacement LDP and in accordance with the LDP Regulations is subject to a statutory minimum six-week period of public consultation.

It identifies Key Issues, a Vision and Objectives for the Replacement LDP plan period up to 2037.

It considers Strategic Growth Options for the level and amount of growth - housing, employment land and retail – and Strategic Spatial Options for where this growth should be distributed across the plan area.

Using the Growth and Spatial options and informed by an Initial Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA), a Preferred Strategy is proposed. This is supported by a Key Diagram and a set of proposed Strategic Policies to deliver the Strategy.

1.2 How to comment on the Replacement LDP Preferred Strategy?

Having approved the Preferred Strategy, the Council welcomes comments (representations) on the Preferred Strategy.

Background papers and evidence used to inform the preparation of the Preferred Strategy have been published on the Council's website and should be read alongside the Preferred Strategy.

A Candidate Site Register has also been published for consultation and representations on the sites will be used to inform the allocation of sites within the Deposit Plan (the next statutory stage). New candidate site submissions may also be made during the consultation period.

How to comment: To make a comment, click on the.

Consultation Period: 19th August to 7th October 2024 (5pm).

Late Representations - Comments received after the close of the Consultation Period will not be accepted.

1.3 What Happens Next?

Following the close of the consultation period, the Council will analyse and consider the representations made on the Preferred Strategy. Where considered appropriate, the representations will be used to refine the LDP's Strategy and to prepare the Deposit Plan.

The Deposit Plan will include a Strategy and more detailed planning policies for development management purposes, site policies and allocations, and a monitoring framework. It will be published for a minimum statutory six-week period of public consultation. More information on the timetable and stages for preparing the Replacement LDP is set out in the approved Delivery Agreement available to view on the Council's website.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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