Candidate Site Assessment Methodology Consultation

Ended on the 10 October 2022

Candidate Site Assessment Methodology Consultation Draft September 2022

1. Introduction

1.1.1 Following the publication of the Delivery Agreement in July 2022, the Call for Candidate Sites is the first formal stage of preparing the Powys Replacement Local Development Plan (Replacement LDP) 2022-2037. The process enables all interested parties to submit potential sites for inclusion in the plan to the Powys Local Planning Authority (LPA). It will then be for the LPA to assess each site and determine if they are suitable, or not, for inclusion in the Replacement LDP.

1.1.2 The purpose of this document is to set out the process and methodology to be used for assessing the suitability of potential development sites (Candidate Sites) for inclusion within the Powys Replacement LDP. The methodology reflects legislative provisions within National planning policy (Planning Policy Wales: Edition 11 (2021) and Future Wales: The National Plan 2040 (2021)) together with the requirements set out in Welsh Government guidance on the preparation of LDPs as set out in the Development Plans Manual (Edition 3 March 2020).

1.1.3 As detailed in the Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) the deliverability of sites is an important consideration when selecting suitable sites and will be critical in the identification of sites for inclusion within the Replacement LDP. Therefore, the assessment process will be applied to all sites submitted for consideration at the Call for Candidate Sites stage, including Candidate Sites submitted on undeveloped allocated sites in the Adopted Powys LDP (2011 – 2026), and any other sites considered appropriate through the evidence base. The evaluation of sites will draw upon a range of information held by the Council, supporting evidence submitted by site proposers and where relevant, consultation will be undertaken with specific consultation bodies to enable the full consideration of sites (see paragraph 5.3).

1.1.4 The Call for Candidate Sites is the appropriate time for site proposers to submit sites for potential inclusion in the Replacement LDP. Sites proposed after the Preferred Strategy stage will have a reduced chance of being considered suitable for inclusion in the plan.

1.1.5 Additionally, site proposers should be aware that not submitting sufficiently detailed information as requested by the LPA may result in a site not being taken forward.

1.1.6 This document will be accompanied by a 'Guidance Note' which will assist site proposers in completing the 'Candidate Site Form'. The Guidance Note will explain some of the terminology in the Candidate Site Assessment Methodology in more detail and will signpost site proposers regarding where to find further information (particularly with regards to constraints).

1.1.7 On 17th December 2020, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) issued a letter to Powys, highlighting that designated riverine Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) water bodies within the River Wye SAC were failing to meet phosphorus limits which had been tightened in 2016 by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). This was followed by a further letter on 20th January 2021 following publication of the condition status report on the other riverine SACS in Wales including the Usk, Dee and Towy, the catchments of which all impact upon the Powys LDP area. NRW issued Interim Planning Advice in December 2020 which required new development within SAC catchments to achieve phosphate neutrality or betterment. This has the potential to constrain development to only those Candidate Sites able to connect to wastewater treatment works with phosphate stripping equipment installed. Paragraphs 4.2.12 - 4.2.14 provide information on how this constraint will be taken into consideration in the Candidate Site assessment process.

1.1.8 Candidate Sites will play an important role in the formulation and successful implementation of the Replacement LDP, they are the principal means of identifying sites to meet the future needs of the County. However, it should be recognised that other sites permitted through National and LDP policies will also contribute to the delivery of the Replacement LDP.


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