Candidate Site Assessment Methodology Consultation

Ended on the 10 October 2022

Appendix 1 - Proposed ISA Site Appraisal Framework


The proposed Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) site appraisal framework set out below is part of the wider site assessment which includes a filtering process which will exclude those sites which fail to meet basic criteria such as flood risk, highways issues or clear conflict with biodiversity assets. The Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) March 2020 suggests that the process as a whole should enable the following questions to be answered:

  • Is the site in a sustainable location in accordance with the site search sequence set out in Planning Policy Wales 11 (PPW)?
  • Is the site generally free from physical constraints, such as land ownership, infrastructure, access, ground conditions, biodiversity, landscape, heritage, flood risk issues and pollution?
  • Is the site capable of being delivered (can the site be developed during the plan period, or otherwise significantly progressed)?
  • Is the development of the site financially viable? Namely is the site attractive to the market (both private and/or public sector), is the site capable of delivering the broad levels of affordable housing, other policy / Section 106 requirements and infrastructure costs set out by the LPA whilst providing sufficient return to the developer/landowner?

Sites which meet the initial sieving criteria would be subject to assessment against the ISA site appraisal framework. The information collected through the candidate site assessment process, along with other sources of evidence, will directly inform the ISA of those sites. Sites which appear to perform poorly against the ISA framework are likely to be excluded from further consideration.

GIS tools will be used to undertake the appraisal of site options depending on the feature and measurements required, through:

1. Straight line distance from a feature to a site option and percentage overlap of any features within a site option, using measurements taken from the closest boundary of the site option and the feature.


2. Distances calculated from a site to roads and footpaths with measurements to be taken from the boundary of the site where it is within 20 metres of the road/ footpath network and is therefore assumed to have access.

Table A0 sets out the proposed scoring system to be used in conjunction with the Objective-specific appraisal criteria set out in Table A1 – A15 below.

Table A0 ISA Site Assessment Scoring System






Significant positive effect

The proposal contributes significantly to the achievement of the objective.



Minor positive effect

The proposal contributes to the achievement of the objective but not significantly.

Consider any further enhancement measures.


Neutral/no effect

The proposal does not have any effect on the achievement of the objective.

Consider whether intervention could bring positive effects.


Minor negative effect

The proposal detracts from the achievement of the objective but not significantly.

Consider appropriate mitigation measures and opportunities for enhancement.


Significant negative effect

The proposal detracts significantly from the achievement of the objective.

Assess the feasibility (practicality and cost) of mitigation measures to reduce the severity of the effects.

Where adequate mitigation is not feasible, reconsider the proposal.


Uncertain effect

The proposal has an uncertain relationship to the objective, or the relationship is dependent on the way in which the aspect is managed. In addition, insufficient information may be available to enable an appraisal to be made.

Make suggestions for implementation.

Additional information required.

Proposed ISA Site Appraisal Framework

ISA Objective 1 – To provide good quality homes and community infrastructure to meet identified needs

Site Appraisal Questions

  • Does the proposed development proposals support housing provision including affordable homes?
  • Is the proposed location physically connected to an existing settlement which is capable of being serviced by any necessary infrastructure (e.g. by upgrading)?
  • Has the site/proposed development potential to deliver community facilities?

Table A1 ISA Objective 1 Site Appraisal Criteria




The site has capacity (over 5 dwellings), subject to the settlement hierarchy) to deliver new homes, is physically well connected to an existing settlement and could deliver community facilities (according to settlement hierarchy and indicative criteria at footnote*)


The site has capacity (over 5 dwellings), subject to the settlement hierarchy) to deliver new homes and is well connected to an existing settlement (according to settlement hierarchy and indicative criteria at footnote)


The site could deliver new homes and services with no other merits


The site could deliver new homes and services; however, the site is not physically well connected to an existing settlement (according to settlement hierarchy and indicative criteria at footnote)


The site is not well connected to an existing settlement, could not be serviced and would not provide community facilities (according to settlement hierarchy and indicative criteria at footnote)


Uncertain effect

*See Table Footnote: Indicative Accessibility Criteria for footnote.

ISA Objective 2 - To create and support a strong, diverse and resilient economy and workforce

Site Appraisal Questions

  • Will the development proposals provide employment facilities and/or support the needs of businesses to expand, re-locate, diversify etc.
  • Do the proposals provide employment opportunities and/or the potential for upskilling the local workforce?

Table A2 ISA Objective 2 Site Appraisal Criteria




The site will provide a range of employment opportunities and training that will benefit the locality and will complement existing provision


The site will provide a range of employment opportunities


The proposal will neither contribute to, nor detract from, the objective


Development on the site will result in the loss of designated employment land


Development on the site will result in the loss of designated employment land and businesses in the locality


Uncertain effect


ISA Objective 3 – To reduce poverty and inequality; tackle social exclusion and promote community cohesion

Site Appraisal Questions

  • Will development of this site offer particular scope to build a more sustainable community? (e.g. can improvements to the physical or social infrastructure be secured/)
  • Does the site proposal have the support of the Town and Community Council?

Table A3 ISA Objective 3 Site Appraisal Criteria




Development is likely to lead to a significant enhancement in the provision of and/or access to employment / education /service provision e.g. through new community facilities


Development holds potential for the enhancement of the provision of and/or access to employment / education /service provision e.g. through new community facilities


The proposal will neither contribute to, nor detract from, the objective


No opportunities for enhancement of the provision of and/or access to employment / education /service provision


Development would result in the loss of community facilities


Uncertain effect

ISA Objective 4 – To protect, promote and enhance Welsh language and Culture

Site Appraisal Questions

  • Is the proposal located within a Welsh Language Sensitive Area?
  • Does the location and/or scale of the proposal have the potential to have a detrimental impact on the use of the Welsh Language?
  • Does the proposal meet a range of housing types and tenures to meet local needs, particularly the provision of affordable housing and specialist housing?
  • Does the proposal meet local employment needs?
  • Will the proposal increase or reduce the opportunity for persons to use the Welsh language in a social setting or workplace?
  • What opportunities does the proposal provide to develop Welsh language skills and promote use of the Welsh language within the community?
  • Does the proposal provide a new community facility or service, or enhance access to existing community facilities or services?

Table A4 ISA Objective 4 Site Appraisal Criteria




Development of the site incorporates appropriate measures to protect, promote and enhance the use of the Welsh language, and makes provision for a new community facility or service or enhances access to existing community facilities or services.


Development of the site incorporates appropriate measures to protect, promote and enhance the use of the Welsh language.


The site is not within a Welsh Language Sensitive Area.


The site has capacity for more than 10 dwellings and less than 25 dwellings, or for other types of development, the building would have a floorspace of 1,000 sqm or more and less than 2,000 sqm or would involve a site with an area of 1 hectare or more and less than 2 hectares and is within a Welsh Language Sensitive Area.


The site has capacity for 25 or more dwellings, or for other types of development, the building would have a floorspace of 2,000 sqm or above or would involve a site with an area of 2 hectares or more and is within a Welsh Language Sensitive Area.


Uncertain effect

ISA Objective 5 – To Improve the health and well-being of all sectors of society

Site Appraisal Questions

  • Is the site located so as to encourage health and wellbeing including access to healthcare, physical activity, active travel and community interaction and engagement?
  • Could the site contribute to the provision of facilities which promote health and well-being?

Table A5 ISA Objective 5 Site Appraisal Criteria




Within 1,000 metres of a GP surgery


Not used


Between 1,000 metres and 2,000 metres of a GP surgery


Not used


In excess of 2,000 metres from a GP surgery


Uncertain effect

ISA Objective 6 – To make the best use of previously developed land and existing buildings and protect higher grade agricultural land

Site Appraisal Question

  • Will development of this site avoid the loss of the Best and Most Versatile (BMV) agricultural land?

Table A6 ISA Objective 6 Site Appraisal Criteria




The site is entirely brownfield land and is within or on the edge of an existing settlement


The site is partially brownfield land within or on the edge of a settlement (> 50%) and contains low quality agricultural land (Grade 3b, 4, urban)


The site is partially greenfield land (> 50%) and contains low quality agricultural land (Grade 3b, 4, urban)


The site is partially greenfield land (> 50%) and is high quality agricultural land (Grade 1, 2 and 3a)


The site is wholly greenfield land and contains high quality agricultural land (Grade 1, 2 and 3a)


Uncertain effect

ISA Objective 7 - To conserve, protect and enhance water quality and water resources

Site Appraisal Question

  • Is it expected that the site can be developed without an adverse impact on water resources or water quality?

Table A7 ISA Objective 7 Site Appraisal Criteria




Not used


The proposal could contribute to the enhancement of water quality e.g. through the incorporation of off-site measures


The proposal will neither contribute to, nor detract from, the objective


The proposal could have an adverse effect on water quality e.g. through potential for discharges


Not used


Uncertain effect


ISA Objective 8 - To minimise or reduce the sources and effects of air pollution

Site Appraisal Question

  • Will development proposals encourage journeys to be made by sustainable means (active travel and/or public transport) in line with the national travel hierarchy?

Table A8 ISA Objective 8 Site Appraisal Criteria




Not used


Opportunities for the promotion of sustainable travel and realising the national travel hierarchy


The proposal will neither contribute to, nor detract from, the objective


Development of the site will not contribute towards realisation of the national travel hierarchy


Not used


Uncertain effect


ISA Objective 9 - To minimise waste generation, encourage re-use and recycling and promote efficient use of mineral resources

Site Appraisal Question

It has not been possible to identify specific site level criteria for this ISA Objective.

Table A9 ISA Objective 9 Site Appraisal Criteria




Not used


Not used


Considered to be neutral across projects as all projects could contribute to this objective to some degree. Household waste would be managed in accordance with the established kerb side collection system.


Not used


Not used


Not used

ISA Objective 10 - To support the resilience of Powys to the potential effects of climate change, including flooding and other extreme events

Site Appraisal Question

  • Is the site free from flood risk or has it been proven that any flood risk can be acceptably managed?

Table A10 ISA Objective 10 Site Appraisal Criteria




Development at the site would reduce flood risk


The site does not lie within a high flood risk area (flood zone 2 and 3)


The site partially lies within a high flood risk area (flood zone 2 and 3)


The site intersects with flood risk area (flood zone 2 and 3)


The site falls wholly within flood zone 2 or 3.


Uncertain effect

ISA Objective 11 - To reduce the contribution to climate change from greenhouse gas emissions

Site Appraisal Question

  • Does the site enable the co-location of commercial and residential uses to provide scope for energy reduction/ renewable energy provision (e.g. district heating and generation schemes)

Table A11 ISA Objective 11 Site Appraisal Criteria




Development of the site would significantly contribute to renewable energy production and/or promote wider sustainability measures, e.g. by exporting generated energy to the grid.


Development of the site would contribute to renewable energy production and/or wider sustainability measures


The proposal will neither contribute to, nor detract from, the objective


Not used


Not used


Uncertain effect

ISA Objective 12 – To promote sustainable transport use and reduce the need to travel

Site Appraisal Question

  • Does the location of the site encourage a shift to using more sustainable forms of travel (e.g. is it central and accessible to local services and/or the public transport network without physical barriers to safe access on foot or cycle)?

Table A12 ISA Objective 12 Site Appraisal Criteria




The site has excellent access (<800m) to public transport, community facilities and an active travel route (according to settlement hierarchy and indicative criteria at footnote)


The site is within walking distance (800m) of public transport, community facilities and an active travel route (according to settlement hierarchy and indicative criteria at footnote)


The proposal will neither contribute to, nor detract from, the objective


The site is not within walking distance of public transport, community facilities and an active travel route (according to settlement hierarchy and indicative criteria at footnote)


The site is >800m from public transport, community facilities and an active travel route (according to settlement hierarchy and indicative criteria at footnote)


Uncertain effect

ISA Objective 13 – To preserve and enhance Powys' heritage resource, including built and archaeological assets

Site Appraisal Question

  • Is the development likely to impact positively on culture, local distinctiveness and sense of place, including the protection of archaeological and built heritage assets?

Table A13 ISA Objective 13 Site Appraisal Criteria




Development of the site will result in the protection and enhancement of heritage assets, e.g. by providing a beneficial use for an existing asset.


Development of the site has the potential to enhance an historic asset e.g. through its setting


The proposal will neither contribute to, nor detract from, the objective


Site includes or is within a heritage feature of local / regional importance (including Conservation Areas and undesignated assets)


The site includes a heritage asset of national importance (Grade I, II* and II listed buildings, grade I, II* and II registered parks and gardens or scheduled monuments)


Site is within 500 metres of a heritage asset and effects on the setting of heritage asset are uncertain

ISA Objective 14 – To conserve and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity and promote improvements to the multifunctional green infrastructure network

Site Appraisal Questions

  • Is the site free from environmental constraints / sensitivity such as the inclusion of, or proximity to, fragile habitats and species?
  • Are there particular opportunities for biodiversity or ecological gain or geodiversity enhancement on this site (e.g. potential to create green areas, habitat corridors etc, or scope to improve water, air, or soil quality?)

Table A14 ISA Objective 14 Site Appraisal Criteria




The site is free from biodiversity / geodiversity constraints and will significantly contribute to biodiversity / geodiversity enhancement on site and in the vicinity


The site is free from biodiversity / geodiversity constraints and will contribute to biodiversity / geodiversity enhancement on site and in the vicinity


The site does not intersect and is not within 1km of any designated sites.


The site intersects or is adjacent to a regionally or locally (RIGS, LNRs and SINCs) designated site and/ or priority habitats/ species


The site intersects or is adjacent to an internationally (SAC, SPA, Ramsar) or nationally (SSSI, Ancient Woodland) designated site.


Uncertain effect

ISA Objective 15 – To protect the quality and diversity of the County's landscapes and townscapes

Site Appraisal Question

  • Can the development proposals be sympathetically incorporated into the landscape and local environment without harm to the character and appearance of the area? (particularly when considering a site for development on greenfield land and/or at the edge of a settlement where development will extend into the open countryside).

Table A15 ISA Objective 15 Site Appraisal Criteria




Development of the site protects and enhances local landscape / settlement character as determined through LANDMAP


Development of the site has the potential to enhance landscape / settlement character as determined through LANDMAP


The proposal will neither contribute to, nor detract from, the objective


Development of the site would compromise landscape / settlement character as determined through LANDMAP


Development of the site would impact on a Protected Landscape


Uncertain effect

Footnote: Indicative Accessibility Criteria


Reasonable Accessibility Standards (Maximum)

Primary School

600 metres

Secondary School

2000 metres

Health Services

1000 metres

Public Transport

800 metres

Sports Pitches / Playing Fields / Leisure Centres

1000 metres

Retail - shops providing basic goods to meet day-to-day needs (town, local and neighbourhood centres)

1000 metres - 2000 metres

Employment - Distance to existing local employment sites /allocations

Up to 5000 metres

Adapted from Sustainable Settlements: A Guide for Planners, Designers and Developers (Barton, Davis and Guise, 1995) and Shaping Neighbourhoods - for local health and global sustainability (2010)

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